Friday, October 5, 2012


Physiotherapy is the physical treatment and management of a condition which enables people to reach their maximum physical potential. For people with muscular dystrophy or a related neuromuscular condition, physiotherapy is crucial in ensuring they lead as fulfilling a life as possible.

A thorough physiotherapy programme will help people with muscle-wasting conditions:

to minimise the development of contractures and deformities through a programme of stretches and where appropriate exercises.
to anticipate and minimise any secondary physical complications.
to identify and prescribe aids and equipment.
to advise on moving and handling.
to monitor respiratory function and advise on techniques to assist with breathing exercises and methods of clearing secretions.
It is important to remember that any routine or programme should be recommended by a physiotherapist or other specialist. Stretches and exercises should be tailored to you as an individual. Exercises should be at a moderate level and not cause severe fatigue, and weight training and eccentric exercise should only be done with the permission of an expert. Over-activity may cause more harm than good for an individual with a muscle-wasting condition.

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