Friday, October 12, 2012

Effects of immobilization of limb in duchenne muscular Dystrophy:

Effects of immobilization  of limb in duchenne muscular

Asghar Mokhtarian, Jean Pascal et al., 1999 concluded from their study they concluded that
       Ø Even with the neural input intact, immobilization of the limb prevents the dystrophic          changes

Ø This provides the evidence that it is the actual contraction of the muscle itself that leads to muscle necrosis when dystrophin is missing.

 Ø Immobilization deletes regeneration following degeneration, beneficial effects of immobilization due to reduced percentage of centro nucleated myofibers.

Ø However, the early atrophy resulting from muscle immobilization and the the need for respiratory muscles to be permanently active rule out any therapeutic implications of these results to slow the development of human dystrophinopathies .

           Ø Wineinger , Abresch et al., in their pointed out  that myonecrosis in the mdx mouse is facilitated by muscle movement itself and that immobilization of muscle prevents              myonecrosis. This concept is helpful for understanding the mechanism underlying myonecrosis in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and for instruction concerning rehabilitation programs and activities in daily life.

Safe and effective new approach in the treatment of  duchenne
Muscular dystrophy

 Actually work induced damage can facilitate muscle regeneration but only with more centro nucleated myofibers. Although regeneration is important, But preserving the muscle with peripheral nuclei is important for force production and normal maintaining of function. Therapeutic measures in the form of immobilized state is very useful for muscular dystrophy. But the respiratory muscles should be continuously active during the period of immobilization to prevent atrophy of these fibers. Work induced muscle regeneration in the form of immobilized position is very useful therapeutic method compared to facilitate muscle regeneration in the form of other methods.

       Many studies proved that resisted exercises and overloading of muscles may initially improve muscle power in muscular dystrophy due to increase regeneration of muscle fibers. This regenerated muscle fibers mainly with more centro nucleated myofibers. This form of fibers may initially improve muscle power and force production but not able to sustain the effects for long period. 

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